High Number

Monday, September 11, 2006

I don't like blogger. Why? Because I've got another blog. Well, that's obvious, isn't it?

One thing I've got to say to some people: I am not jealous. Well, at least I try not to be. People have achieved more than I have. But *I* also achieved a lot, and I'm proud of that.
But things are getting more and more difficult and complicated for me. Will college be hard? Will life be hard? Life is hard. I will try to make friends at college. But I'm scared I won't meet any new friends. I've never had a really good friend. I met some great people, but they aren't interested in what I'm doing. I met some people via the internet, and I can trust them because they write what they're doing or what they're feeling. I am connected with them; they are connected with me. But the only thing that connects us the most, is our interest for music. What would it be if I never been a fan of the Beatles or The Who? I wouldn't have met so many people; I wouldn't have talked to them...
I really want to meet these people in real life, but we're so far away.

I'm starting to sound emo, aren't I?

The Who. Or The Two as people call them. The band lacks something: drum & bass. I don't know why I'm still hooked on the band. Maybe I'm just waiting for something new and excited. I haven't heard a lot of new things lately...
What's the hype of today? I don't think there is one. I'm not aware of any new bands. Are there? Perhaps.

No one reads this anyway. Why am I still writing this? Why don't I go to sleep? I gotta get up early tomorrow. Well, actually today. It's 12:09 AM, which means it's Monday already. Ah, yes, the 11th. The dreadful, black day. America should have never gone to war. I remember it well. 5 years ago, I was still at high school. My mom picked me up after school and my mom kept telling something terrible had happened. The radio was on, but I didn't concentrate on what they were saying. At home, I finally saw it. Y'know, it's terrible. The World Trade Center was famous...the towers collapsed, people died, people cried, dust everywhere. I was shocked and mad at the same time. I was mad at the people who've done this. Why have they done this? The answer's there somewhere and I don't have it because I didn't follow the news that much. But I don't want to talk about 9/11.

This is one of my blogs. This is my opinion. Not a bloody person cares about this. Comment if you want; don't comment if you don't read this. I don't have a single person that cares for me, except for my family and a few friends. Few...maybe just one. I don't have friends. I'm desperate.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kangaroo Tim

A boy aged fifteen
Wants to be seen
In black and white on the TV screen.

But nobody cares about him.
His name is Tim.

"Pick up the piece,
You and I on our hands and knees".
These are the words that he hears
He can't hold back the tears.

He wants to get through.
He wants to be like them,
Not Eminem.
He hasn't got a clue.
Not Blink182.

He wants to be famous in Kalamazoo,
With a song about a kangaroo.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lifehouse and Other Things

(cross-posted at my other blog + edited)
Lifehouse, The Boy Who Heard Music, The Method. It seems so clear to me. Not all of it, but a lot. Pete's trying to get the whole thing back with The Method project.
I've only read 2 chapters of TBWHM. But I stumbled on these sites, which makes it easier to understand:
Chronology of TBWHM
I hope The Method project starts this fall/winter or in 2007. I already signed up, but I doubt I will be picked out.
Anyway, yes, I'm interested in the Lifehouse/Method project.

Just one thing that hasn't got to do with Lifehouse:
Pete uses the name "Sally" a lot: Heart To Hang Onto ("Sally seems to get bigger every day"), I'm A Boy (Another little girl was Sally Joy"), Baba O'Riley ("Sally, take my hand"), Sally Simpson...

WHAT IS ON TOWSERTV NOW? I'm not sure but does that clip include John's bass solo on 5:15? Wherein Roger's amazed? XD
I'd love to see that again. I'm glad it's on again.
During the solo I know exactly what they're thinking:
Roger: "I'll just sit here and listen. WOW."
Pete: "I'll just get another guitar. *gets the red one* No, wait...I'm gonna stick with the old one. *gets the gold one back*"
And when Pete's playing again, Rog's like "When will this ever end?"

Currently listening to "Changes" by David Bowie. Nice piano intro. I don't like his voice! I saw David Bowie perform on TOTP once. His mullet scared and face kind of scared me. I know it sounds silly.
And I've been having a lot of dreams lately. Ever since I slept in my brother's bed. My brother's working on Ireland, so I can sleep in his bed or my own. Ok, I'm not allowed to sleep in his, but it's comfy. One dream I had had Eric Idle in it. I was having detention and he was the one who kept an eye on me. And that's all I remember. I should probably note my dreams in a dream book or something, because I almost always forget them. I once dreamt Rachel Fuller was in my backyard/garden playing with her dogs. And I told my mom the names of the dogs. Wistle was cute in my dream. I didn't see Spud, the golden retriever, but I did see another big dog. Then I got woken up by my brother, who was humming the Seinfeld theme. God, I hate it. My bedroom door's closed but I still can hear sound from outside the room. When I woke up, I was thinking: "Now, that's chaos and creation in my backyard".

Lucid dreaming...I sometimes dream lucid. And sometimes they're fun, sometimes annoying. Like that time when I was, in my dream, following Led Zeppelin and Pete Townshend stopped me. He ignored what I said. I was aware of what I was saying.
Last time when I took a nap, I had another lucid dream. More like a lucid nightmare. I'm not talking about that. The fact is that I had a lot of lucid dreams.
Sleep paralysis is considered lucid dreaming. Only sleep paralysis is just...very scary. I had it last summer. Not experiencing it anymore. "The Ghost" I talked about, 'incubus'. Well, now I know what it is: sleep paralysis. It feels like a ghost that's sitting on you, and you're paralyzed, you can't move anything. It's like you're awake but you're actually in a dream. Oh, just type 'sleep paralysis' on Google, and you'll know what I experienced.

This has been a long entry. You probably didn't read this.
P.S. You can comment anonymously on my other blog, at livejournal. Click on the link.

Friday, July 28, 2006

The Interwebs and Music

I don't post here often, do I?

Anyway, I'm amazed about the technology the 'old' bands are using. Look at The Rolling Stones: the fans can listen to the concerts by phone for only 0.99 cents for 7 minutes. And The Who...well, you're all Who fans, so you'll probably know what I'm talking about.

I borrowed The Flaming Lips' At War with the Mystics from the library last Wednesday. IMO, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robot is much better than the new album. "Do You Realize??" is still my favourite track on it. "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" and "Free Radicals" on the new one are great. My brother borrowed Yoshimi last year, I haven't listened to it until now. And it's probably because of ITA that I got into them. I thank you guys.
I'm borrowing Inside In Inside Out from The Kooks on Monday. The songs that get stuck in my head are "Ooh La!" and "Naive".
I hope "Wire & Glass" comes out here on Monday. But I'll guess I'll just ask my brother to buy it in Ireland.

The weather's nice, although it's still hot.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

I saw "Superman Returns" quite a while ago. I thought "Spider-Man" was much better; "Superman Returns" didn't make sense. For example: The Daily Planet building is ruined and the next day it's perfectly normal. And the kid's from Superman? You got to be joking! Lois married another man, and wrote an article about why the world doesn't need Superman. At the end she writes an article about why the world NEEDS Superman. Just stick with him or leave him, woman!

I saw "Cars" the day before yesterday. I love Pixar movies, but this one kind of disappointed me. I thought "The Incredibles" was bad the first time, but "Cars"...I don't think I'll like it when I'll see it for the second time. Ok, the quotes were great: "Ka-chow", y'know. And Fillmore: "Respect the classics, man" and "It's Hendrix". The animation was great, though. But the story line is disappointing.
The best Pixar movies were "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2". "Monsters Inc." was enjoyable. "A Bug's Life"...I don't remember seeing that. I saw the trailer again, it has "Baba O'Riley" in it. "Finding Nemo": One of my favourites. Am I missing one?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Let's See Action: Part Two

Watching The Kooks on the Werchter webcast, and I can tell you they're fucking brilliant. Would love to see them on ITA today.

I went to a small Yoko Ono exhibition in Antwerp yesterday. I took some pics:
Tangerine Tree #1
Tangerine Tree #2
Tangerine Tree #3
We're all made out of water
David Bowie #1
David Bowie #2
Andy Warhol
Samuel Beckett
Franz Kafka
Elvis Presley
The Wall: WAKE! #1
The Wall: WAKE! #2
Wake up Antwerp!
Jimmy Hendrix
John Lennon
Sean Lennon

I forgot to take the Yoko Ono one. I did also get a free flashlight pen.

I had to go to school today to sell my old books. Well, that's it, I guess.

Watching The Editors on the webcast now. They were playing at the same time as The Kooks. I switched once. Although, I admit I like The Kooks more. So I kept watching their performance. Next up is "Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah"!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let's See Action

Currently watching Rachel sing "Spin" on www.thewholive.tv
I can't wait till The Who comes to Belgium. And like I've told you a thousand times: I'm not going! But I will see ITA and the webcast of the entire Who concert! Not three or four songs, the entire concert! And I will give you the link for those who are reading my blog.

I've gone shopping with my (only) friend today. We had a nice time, though she kept talking about classical music. And we've got nothing in common. I gave her a video with the "Monty Python's Flying Circus" episodes. I taped it. Yes, Monty Python's airing in Belgium. This country is fab.

And I graduated.