High Number

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In The Attic: EDIT

I loved this show. Mikey played "Matches", I absolutely love that song. I heard it before on IAC. But it's much better live.
Pete...he was funny; he always is. He played some songs in bossanova style, like "Substitute". "Behind Blue Eyes" and "Peggy Sue" were great. I've never seen him play so many songs on ITA before. He was in a good mood, and you could tell.
I'm surprised Rachel tried to sing. She was ill, you know.
Bernard (que?) was the special guest. Yeah, this is the third time I said "he's hot". I was in the chatroom, people were telling that he was Joseph, the son of Pete. It's not true. *laughs*
Simon got a present: a jacket from Pete. Ain't that sweet? And it even looks good on him.
The dog was lovely. I so *aww*'ed at that.
"Misery" was wonderful; they played it at the end.


  • At 6:46 am, Blogger Kevin Seegan said…

    Hey! I'm kevin. I'm 16 and from the states.

    That was a great episode... I saw most of it, but I have 2 essays to write by monday. Pete really is funny. When I saw the who play at the hollywood bowl on august 9th, 2004(how could I forget), he said some funny stuff between songs. Too bad Rachel was sick, that is a bummer. It was still A good show. Give me a shout!


  • At 10:33 pm, Blogger Kevin Seegan said…

    Funny you said shout and shimmy... I can play that one. :)


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